JDK-8067630 : [mac os x] Update '3 Billion Devices' Advert on SetupProgress Dialog
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: install
  • Affected Version: 8u40
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: os_x
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2014-12-16
  • Updated: 2015-09-29
  • Resolved: 2015-06-11
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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8u60 b21Fixed
Install JRE 8u40 on mac os x in the l10n supported non-English locales. The image "3 Billion Devices ..." on in-progress dialog is not localized.

It's because the properly localized images are not provided. File l10n bug to track the problem.
Verified with 8u60 b21 PIT that JRE APP installer shows the img, not the JRE PKG installer. Also sanity checked on EN, DE, JP and RU locales only.

Pending delivery of advert by marketing team.

Who should I contact regarding to the images?

SQE agrees with Paul's defer request.

8u40-defer-request justification: This is not a release blocker, and visual assets have not been delivered on time. Implementation introduces too much risk at this point in the release.

Sorry that the image should not be provided by globalization/translation team. According to Michael, they probably should be provided by UE/UX team.

The localized windows images were not provided by globalization or translation team...

I have given a deadline for receiving images as 1/19. Add 1wk for dev/testing for due date.

Still waiting for localized images from Michelle���.

Hi Johnny, The image is localized on windows in 8u40. There are the localized images, but they are not shown before 8u40 because of bug JDK-8037813. thanks, Yong

Thanks for the info, Yong! I cannot find "localized" images for windows, either. For windows, there's only the image with english wordings - Java3BillDevices_EN.png. And given the windows parity, I don't think it is reasonable to expect mac os x to have localized versions of Java3BillDevices. [12:33:20] johnny:/Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4/install/src/macosx/installerApp/MacJREInstaller $ find /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4/ -name Java3BillDevices*.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//build/macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release/install/bundles/Java 8.app/Contents/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//build/macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release/install/tmp/macosxbuild/deploy/au/Java 8.app/Contents/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/macosx/installerApp/build/Debug/MacJREInstaller.app/Contents/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/macosx/installerApp/build/Release/MacJREInstaller.app/Contents/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/macosx/installerApp/build/signed/MacJreInstaller.app/Contents/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/macosx/installerApp/Images.xcassets/Java3BillDevices_EN.imageset/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/macosx/installerApp/Resources/Java3BillDevices_EN.png /Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4//install/src/windows/html_ui/wrappers/resource/progress/Java3BillDevices_EN.png [12:34:05] johnny:/Volumes/data/projects/sponsors/ds-dev4/install/src/macosx/installerApp/MacJREInstaller $

I originally filed bug as localization bug because I thought the localized images should be provided first. But Michael changed the bug to install. I do not know if he has already provided the images. The image is localized in windows. Maybe Michael knows if it needs to be localized in mac os x. Michael (michael.fang) is on vacation now.

But was this a mis-understanding? I thought we decided long ago that the 3 Billion Devices image is not to be localized?

temporary assignment to get my question answered

Where do we get the properly localized images for different locales? Once the localized images are in place, I will need to modify the existing code to achieve "localized images" for 3 billion devices.