JDK-8061420 : 64 bit pointers needed
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: specification
  • Sub-Component: language
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Other
  • Submitted: 2003-12-04
  • Updated: 2014-10-17
  • Resolved: 2014-10-17
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Name: rmT116609			Date: 12/03/2003

As per the Java Language Specification, section 10.4, all array access in Java is done by using an int as index. Since an int is a signed 32bit value, this limits the total number of addressable elements of an array to 2**31 (about 2 billion). It should be possible to address an array using 64bit values.

While having access to 2 billion entries may seem sufficient, there are very compelling performance reasons to be able to use more in a single array. As an example, consider a square n*n matrix, stored as an array (either row or column major, doesn't matter which). Since an array stores at most 2**31 entries, this means that n=sqrt(2**31)=46341, thus the matrix cannot be very large. For multidimensional arrays this is an even more severe limitation (3d Tensors could at most be of size 1290).

A workaround is to use an array of arrays (ie. double[][]). However there is no guarantee that successive rows will be laid of linearly in memory, and therefore performance may be severly penalized. Experimentally, performance may suffer by a factor of over 2, often far greater.

Also, most existing matrix packages (ie. LAPACK) assumes linear storage, and are thus incompatible with a double[][] storage (requires double[]). Calling a LAPACK routine with a jagged storage thus requires extra array copying and memory allocation, and can further decrease performance and increase memory requirements.

It should be possible to address arrays using 64bit integers (long?), as this provides a seamless transition for users of 64bit computers.
Cannot address more than 2**31 elements of an array.

Use of array of array constructs (use double[][] instead of double[])
(Incident Review ID: 227911) 

The 'specification' component of the Java Bug System is for reporting technical errors and ambiguities in the text of The Java Language Specification and The JVM Specification. It is not the venue to propose new features in the Java language or JVM. Ongoing feature development is carried out in OpenJDK (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/); corresponding enhancements to The Java Language Specification and The JVM Specification are managed through the Java Community Process (http://jcp.org/).

EVALUATION Fair enough.