JDK-8044314 : JCP should be installed discretely for x86 and x64 JREs
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: deploy
  • Affected Version: 7,8,9
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_7
  • Submitted: 2013-03-08
  • Updated: 2015-07-23
  • Resolved: 2015-07-23
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Duplicate :  
Ok I have here a windows 7 64bit machine. I have Firefox x86 19.0.2 and I also have Internet Explorer x64. I uninstalled all Java SE and re-installed Java x86 32bit first before installing Java x64bit. The tool that installs in control panel now only has the x64bit. Any changes apply to x64bit and to Internet Explorer. Moreover, after x86 was installed and before x64 was installed the Java tool was java 32 and worked perfect as does the 64bit. Problem here is the 64bit overwrites the 32bit version. However, once both x86 and x64 are installed both Firefox and Explorer can be verified. Checking each browser with the verification website both say the same version and don't say if they are x86 or 64x, but i imagine both are working according to install locations etc.

So It would be necessary in this case to have both java 32 and java 64 tools installed in control panel both pointing to the right java platform specific to which browser. With this users could have one browser x86, another x64, another x86 java6 classic etc.
closing this as a dupe of 8003984 With that fix - all jres on windows (both 64 and 32 bit) are shown in JCP, with additional column to show the architecture

This sounds to me more like we need JCP to be able to manage both 32 bit and 64 bit JREs, regardless of the architecture of JCP itself. Definitely a feature request. I'll take it under consideration for 9 since we're revamping the JCP anyways.

This request is for discrete JCPs running in parallel for both 32 and 64 bit JREs.