JDK-8039034 : 8u20: No blocked dialog for plugin and javafx apps when no jre matches the rule specified by Admin(DRS with force)
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: plugin
  • Affected Version: 8u20
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2014-04-02
  • Updated: 2015-01-29
  • Resolved: 2014-04-23
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
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7-poolResolved 8u20 b12Fixed 9Fixed
When there is no jre matches the rule specified by Admin, there is a blocked dialog for javaws apps. But no such dialog for plugin applet and javafx apps.

Steps to reproduce:
test scenario: Admin provide a secure version(version="secure") with "force=true" while no secure jre installed on system
1) Install 8u20 nighty build#2550
2) Download http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/users/crystal/DO_NOT_REMOVE_ME/jrebug/LSPJPI/lib/DeploymentRuleSet.jar and then copy it to deployment.system.home/
In this DeploymentRuleSet.jar, we have:
<ruleset version="1.1">
  <rule> <!-- allow run everything -->
     <id location="http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/"/>
     <action permission="run" version="SECURE" force="true"/>
  <!-- block everything else -->
     <action permission="block" message="we don't want to run anything else"/>
3) Make sure you can access to internet or disable OCSP and CRL check from JCP
4) Add information "1.8.0_99" to baseline.versions file under {DEPLOY_USER_HOME}/security/ dir to make test jre as old
5) Load applet: http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/users/crystal/DO_NOT_REMOVE_ME/jrebug/LSPJPI/html/UnsignedSandboxJNLP.html
6) If this app get blocked directly without any blocked dialog, then this bug is reproduced. In log, there is NPE:
	at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.setParameter(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.main.client.PluginMain.performSSVValidation(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.main.client.PluginMain$StartAppletListener.appletSSVValidation(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.fireAppletSSVValidation(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.initAppletAdapter(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Expected behavior:
There should be a blocked dialog shows up.

For javaws apps, there is a blocked dialog. See attachment javaws-blocked-dialog.png
Steps to reproduce:
1) Install 8u20 nighty build#2550
2) Download http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/users/crystal/DO_NOT_REMOVE_ME/jrebug/LSPJPI/lib/DeploymentRuleSet.jar and then copy it to deployment.system.home/
In this DeploymentRuleSet.jar, we have:
<ruleset version="1.1">
  <rule> <!-- allow run everything -->
     <id location="http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/"/>
     <action permission="run" version="SECURE" force="true"/>
  <!-- block everything else -->
     <action permission="block" message="we don't want to run anything else"/>
3) Make sure you can access to internet or disable OCSP and CRL check from JCP
4) Add information "1.8.0_99" to baseline.versions file under {DEPLOY_USER_HOME}/security/ dir to make test jre as old
5) Load javaws app: http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/users/crystal/DO_NOT_REMOVE_ME/jrebug/JawsLocalSecurityPolicy/jnlp/testSelfsignedAllpermissionJNLP.jnlp
6) There will be a "Java Application Blocked dialog" shows up.
Verified ok with 8u20 b17

webrev: http://oklahoma.us.oracle.com/www/webrevs/aherrick/1.9.0/8039034/deploy/webrev/ The fix in PluginMain is to not call setParameter(SSV_VERSION, selectedVersion, when selectedVersion is null. Instead proceed to go thru the rest of the code below.

The above doesn't properly fix the problem because although no NPE is thrown, without something set as the SSV_VERSION parameter, the applet will continue to run with the installed latest version, without being aware that another version is required.

The reason this is not reproducible on JDK9, is https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8041133. with the current code, you cannot make 9 insecure. When I can make this insecure - I can see the problem (when there are no secure versions installed, and DRS requires a SECURE version. fix is as above, make sure setParameter(String name, Object value) when value is null will clear the parameter instead of throwing NPE

I can't seem to reproduce this problem using JDK9, so am rebuilding 8u20 from scratch. from looking at the code, it seems logic in Plugin2Manager.setParameter() seems to prohibit setting parameter to null: public void setParameter(String name, Object value) { name = name.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH); Map/*<String,String>*/ parms = getAppletParameters(); synchronized(parms) { parms.put(name, StringUtils.trimWhitespace(value.toString())); } } code in PluginMain.performSSVValidation() seems to have possibility to call with null value: selectedVersion = JREMatcher.getJREVersionFromDRS(drs); hostingManager.setParameter(ParameterNames.SSV_VERSION, selectedVersion);

Affected tests: DRSForceVersionTest::testAdminWithVerSecure_NoSecureVer_High DRSForceVersionTest::testAdminWithVerSecure_NoSecureVer_VeryHigh DRSForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_Dialog_High DRSForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_Dialog_VeryHigh DRSForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_High DRSForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_VeryHigh DRSForceVersionTest::testAdminWith17Star_DevWith18Star_No7Installed_High DRSForceVersionTest::testAdminWith17Star_DevWith18Star_No7Installed_VeryHigh LSPFXAutoForceVersionJNLPTest::testAdminWithVerSecure_NoSecureVer_High LSPFXAutoForceVersionJNLPTest::testAdminWithVerSecure_NoSecureVer_VeryHigh LSPFXAutoForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_Dialog_High LSPFXAutoForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_Dialog_VeryHigh LSPFXAutoForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_High LSPFXAutoForceVersionTest::testForceVerNotInstalled_NoMatch_VeryHigh LSPFXAutoForceVersionJNLPTest::testAdminWith17Star_DevWith18Star_No7Installed_High LSPFXAutoForceVersionJNLPTest::testAdminWith17Star_DevWith18Star_No7Installed_VeryHigh