JDK-8020160 : LSP: rename LocalSecurityPolicy (LSP) to DeploymentRuleSet (DRS)
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: plugin
  • Affected Version: 7u40
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2013-07-09
  • Updated: 2014-02-12
  • Resolved: 2013-07-16
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7u40 b34Fixed 8Fixed
we need to rename Local Security Policy to Deployment Rule Set

The full feature name is "Deployment Rule Set", or "DRS" for short.
If localization changes are too tight on space for the full text please use "Deployment Rules" in the translation.

The JAR file should be called DeploymentRuleSet.jar
verified using 740-b42

SQE-OK to get this issue fix for 7u40

=================== *** note: The existing name "policy.xml" will be allowed in 7u40 within the DeploymentRuleSet.jar, and the existing top level element "policy" will be allowed in xml file as well. This is to avoid breaking existing tests. should we also allow looking for policy.jar if DeploymentRuleSet.jar is not there ? ================== We (SQE) suggest not to allow any "old" mechanism since it does not make sense to end users. Things working for LSP does not guarantee any thing working for DRS, If somehow some LSP still left in our SQE ws, we won't be able to spot it if the "compatibility" is provided, which is something we don't want. So please remove the old LSP support at all ASAP.

we will be changing the name of a lot of things: 1.) UI Strings (if there is not another translation of 7u40, all these would show as the translation of the old strings) 2.) all related trace statements 3.) the name of the jar file: policy.jar ---> DeploymentRuleSet.jar 4.) the name of the policy file within the jar: policy.xml ---> ruleset.xml ***see note 5.) The name of the top level xml element : policy ---> ruleset ***see note 6.) The names of various methods 7.) the names of various source files 8.) The package name : com.sujn.deploy.policy ---> com.sun.deployment.ruleset *** note: The existing name "policy.xml" will be allowed in 7u40 within the DeploymentRuleSet.jar, and the existing top level element "policy" will be allowed in xml file as well. This is to avoid breaking existing tests. should we also allow looking for policy.jar if DeploymentRuleSet.jar is not there ?