A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : There are three typos in the example given at the top. 1. Remove the second left brace in the " catch ... " line. 2. Terminate " JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor() " with a semicolon. 3. A closing parenthesis is missing before the semicolon in " ((DefaultEditor)editor).getTextField().setValue(spinner.getValue(); " EXPECTED VERSUS ACTUAL BEHAVIOR : EXPECTED - try { spinner.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException pe) { // Edited value is invalid, spinner.getValue() will return // the last valid value, you could revert the spinner to show that: JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor(); if (editor instanceof DefaultEditor) { ((DefaultEditor)editor).getTextField().setValue(spinner.getValue()); } // reset the value to some known value: spinner.setValue(fallbackValue); // or treat the last valid value as the current, in which // case you don't need to do anything. } return spinner.getValue(); ACTUAL - See above. URL OF FAULTY DOCUMENTATION : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/