JDK-8007045 : Mac Installer should invoke verify page after install completes
Affected Version:7u40
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.
This feature is needed to ensure that returnPage flow from a referral site will work properly. It is also consistent with the 7u14 behavior on Windows.
Use the URL that is noted in the issue JDK-8007044 (and linked to this one)
Verified with 7u40 b35
SQE-OK with the request for this fix to be in 7u40. It is a low risk fix to an important feature, which impacts a lot of testing.
7uX-critical-request justification: This bug fix is needed because verify page should be launched when JRE install completes.
level of effort: Low, already fixed in JDK8 and a simple backport is needed.
risk: Low
amount of testing coverage: High
result of not integrating: No verify page will be launch after JRE installation
number and names of reviewers: 3 reviewers, Pranav Bhat, Mark Knapp, William J Harnois
Fix Evaluation:
Mac installer should not launch verify page when installed using command line.
- Mac installer command sets an environment variable COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL which could be used to detect if the installer was launched from UI or command line (silent).
Verify page should be launched with default browser.
- Mac default browser can be detected from ${HOME}/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist, PlistBuddy is used detect default browser.
- "open -bg <VERIFY PAGE URL>" command is used to launch verify page
Environment variable COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL Set when performing an installation using the installer command. This is used to detect command line install and no verify page will be launched for silent install.
Retargeting due to regressions seen in JDK 8 implementation JDK-8014698 "[Mac] Verify java page launched from JRE installer is bad UE"
We do not have a solution for detecting the silent install on Mac.
Add "open 'URL'" to postinstall script to launch verify page.