SHORT SUMMARY: No cookies stored if cookieManager installed after caching of HttpClient INDICATORS: Subsequent requests to the same URL resource may fail to cache cookies if a cookiemanager is installed after first request is made. When caching is enabled, the JRE maintains @ a cache of httpClients objects for re-use (for identical URLs) @ . @ When the httpClient object is taken from the cache, no checks are made to see @ if a CookieManager has been installed since first constructed. I'm currently @ testing with a new fix verification binary and once I have review from Dev @ engineer, I'll make the binary available for internal testing. @ . @ One workaround is to set the following java system property flag to false : " @ -Dhttp.keepAlive=false" COUNTER INDICATORS: TRIGGERS: Multiple connections to the same URL resource while installing a cookieManager after the 1st connection. KNOWN WORKAROUND: Dhttp.keepAlive=false PRESENT SINCE: N/A HOW TO VERIFY: Testcase will be made available NOTES FOR SE: N/A REGRESSION: No.