JDK-6908239 : HotSpot compiler should refactor helper arrays after inlining
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: compiler
  • Affected Version: 7
  • Priority: P5
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Not an Issue
  • OS: windows_xp
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2009-12-08
  • Updated: 2011-02-16
  • Resolved: 2010-01-07
In lack of multiple return values, we often see:

int divide(int[] mod, int a, int b) {
    int result = a / b;
    mod[0] = a % b;
    return result;

int[] mod = new int[1];
int quotient = devide(mod, 103, 25);
int remainder = mod[0];

Indirection via array wastes performance.

Hotspot compiler should refactor those helper arrays into normal fields after inlining.

Do not use methods, if multiple values are expected, or expensively instantiate multiple value objects as return value and unbox them later.
Escape Analysis does this optimization. I am closing this bug if there is no objection.

% cat Test.java
public class Test {
    static int divide(int[] mod, int a, int b) {
        int result = a / b;
        mod[0] = a % b;
        return result;

    static int test() {
        int[] mod = new int[1];
        int quotient = divide(mod, 103, 25);
        int remainder = mod[0];
        return quotient + remainder;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            int r = test();

% java -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining -XX:CompileCommand=print,Test::test -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis Test
VM option '+PrintCompilation'
VM option '+PrintInlining'
VM option 'CompileCommand=print,Test::test'
VM option '+DoEscapeAnalysis'
CompilerOracle: print Test.test
  1       Test::test (21 bytes)
      @ 9   Test::divide  inline (hot)
  2       Test::divide (12 bytes)
  1%      Test::main @ 2 (19 bytes)
 - klass: {other class}
 - method holder:     'Test'
 - constants:         0xfe7dd59b{constant pool}
 - access:            0x81000008  static 
 - name:              'test'
 - signature:         '()I'
 - max stack:         3
 - max locals:        3
 - size of params:    0
 - method size:       20
 - vtable index:      -2
 - i2i entry:         0xf940b220
 - adapter:           0x0812db08
 - compiled entry     0xf94aaa01
 - code size:         21
 - code start:        0xb51e6850
 - code end (excl):   0xb51e6865
 - method data:       0xb51e6e48
 - checked ex length: 0
 - linenumber start:  0xb51e6865
 - localvar length:   0
#  int (  )
# -- Old esp -- Framesize: 16 --
#r045 esp+12: return address
#r044 esp+ 8: pad2, in_preserve
#r043 esp+ 4: pad2, in_preserve
#r042 esp+ 0: Fixed slot 0
abababab   N1: #	B1 <- B1  Freq: 1
000   B1: #	N1 <- BLOCK HEAD IS JUNK   Freq: 1
000   	PUSHL  EBP
	SUB    ESP,8	# Create frame
007   	MOV    EAX,#7
00c   	ADD    ESP,8	# Destroy frame
	TEST   PollPage,EAX	! Poll Safepoint
016   	RET

EVALUATION Escape Analysis does this optimization. Note: you should use jdk 7 or 6u20 (in 6u18/6u19 EA is disabled) with flag -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis. I am closing this bug if there is no objection. % cat Test.java public class Test { static int divide(int[] mod, int a, int b) { int result = a / b; mod[0] = a % b; return result; } static int test() { int[] mod = new int[1]; int quotient = divide(mod, 103, 25); int remainder = mod[0]; return quotient + remainder; } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { int r = test(); } } } % java -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining -XX:CompileCommand=print,Test::test -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis Test VM option '+PrintCompilation' VM option '+PrintInlining' VM option 'CompileCommand=print,Test::test' VM option '+DoEscapeAnalysis' CompilerOracle: print Test.test 1 Test::test (21 bytes) @ 9 Test::divide inline (hot) 2 Test::divide (12 bytes) 1% Test::main @ 2 (19 bytes) {method} - klass: {other class} - method holder: 'Test' - constants: 0xfe7dd59b{constant pool} - access: 0x81000008 static - name: 'test' - signature: '()I' - max stack: 3 - max locals: 3 - size of params: 0 - method size: 20 - vtable index: -2 - i2i entry: 0xf940b220 - adapter: 0x0812db08 - compiled entry 0xf94aaa01 - code size: 21 - code start: 0xb51e6850 - code end (excl): 0xb51e6865 - method data: 0xb51e6e48 - checked ex length: 0 - linenumber start: 0xb51e6865 - localvar length: 0 # # int ( ) # # -- Old esp -- Framesize: 16 -- #r045 esp+12: return address #r044 esp+ 8: pad2, in_preserve #r043 esp+ 4: pad2, in_preserve #r042 esp+ 0: Fixed slot 0 # abababab N1: # B1 <- B1 Freq: 1 abababab 000 B1: # N1 <- BLOCK HEAD IS JUNK Freq: 1 000 PUSHL EBP SUB ESP,8 # Create frame 007 MOV EAX,#7 00c ADD ESP,8 # Destroy frame POPL EBP TEST PollPage,EAX ! Poll Safepoint 016 RET 016

PUBLIC COMMENTS I close this bug since Escape Analysis does this optimization.