"Next-generation Java Plug-in" does not seem to care about system level deployment.config file. The issue is strictly reproducible. 1. How to reproduce the problem ------------------------------- 1.1 Setup --------- I used the following setup on Windows XP SP2: <Windows Directory>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config deployment.system.config=file\:////c\:/WINDOWS/Sun/Java/Deployment/deployment.propertis deployment.system.config.mandatory=true The flag "mandatory" was set to "true", in order to enforce the "deployment.system.config" file to be read. Furthermore, a typo was advertedly made in the file name, so that the file cannot be found. An error message is expected because of the missing file. 1.2 Using Java Plug-in 1.2.1 Using Classic Java Plug-in -------------------------------- Starting IE with any Java applet gives an error message of the following kind, indicating the system level deployment.config file is read (mind the mis-spelt file name): "You cannot view applets in your browser because a required configuration file could not be found at the specified location: file:////c:/WINDOWS/Sun/Java/Deployment/deployment.propertis. You will need to restart your browser when the configuration problem is resolved." 1.2.2 Using next-generation Java Plug-in ---------------------------------------- IE starts just fine with any Java applet run in Plugin2. No error message is given. This suggests that the system level deployment.config is simply ignored. 2. Docs ------- It is assumed that the docs for Java SE 6 deployment properties also apply for the "next-generation Java Plug-in": http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/deployment/deployment-guide/properties.html