JDK-6672643 : Java Web Start 1.5 lost the possibility to adjust proxy settings independently from Java Plugin
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: webstart
  • Affected Version: 5.0,6u4
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: windows_xp
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2008-03-07
  • Updated: 2010-07-29
  • Resolved: 2009-01-21
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6u12 b01Fixed 7Resolved
Java Web Start 1.5 lost the possibility to adjust proxy settings 
independently from Java Plugin. This was possible for Java2SE 
1.4.2 (and earlier).

1. Java2SE 1.4.2
1.1 Java Web Start
For Java Web Start 1.4.2 it was possible to adjust Proxy settings 
in "Java Web Start Application Manager":

File -> Preferences -> General -> Proxies
 (x) Manual
 adjust Proxy host, proxy port and no-proxy list

For Java Web Start the following properties are written in file 
"deployment" properties:

deployment.javaws.proxy.http=<fully qualified proxy-host>

1.2 Java Plugin
For Java Plugin 1.4.2 the proxy configuration was done in the
"Java(TM) Plug-in Control Panel" (in Windows Control Panel)
on the "Proxies" tab in the "Protocol Address Port" table.

For Java Plugin the following "deployment" properties are written:

javaplugin.proxy.settings=http\=<fully qualified proxy-host>\:<proxy-port>

So, in Java2SE 1.4.2 Java Web Start and Java Plugin could have proxy 
settings independently from each other.

2. Java SE 5.0
Beginning with Java SE 5.0 the "deployment.javaws.proxy.*" properties 
do not seem to be regarded any longer.

The "Java Plug-in Control Panel" became the "Java Control Panel", 
where Proxy settings can be made in 
Java Control Panel -> General -> Network Settings 
 (x) Use proxy server

For Java Web Start the "Java Web Start Application Manager" became 
the "Java Application Cache Viewer" and is called via 
The Edit->Preferences dialog now directly calls the 
"Java Control Panel".

So, there is but one unified place for proxy configuration settings.

EVALUATION all proxy settings will be overridable, not just the ones listed above. The other new settings are: deployment.javaws.proxy.type deployment.javaws.proxy.auto.config.url deployment.javaws.proxy.same deployment.javaws.proxy.bypass.local deployment.javaws.proxy.override.hosts

EVALUATION jnlp files proxy override settings are not appropriate, as jnlp file must be loaded thru a proxy. I suggest just implementing javaws proxy overrides in the deployment.properties file. as we have for cachedir and log and trace file names. if these properties are set: deployment.javaws.proxy.type, (anything but MANUAL=1 will use deployment common proxy) deployment.javaws.proxy.http.host, deployment.javaws.proxy.http.port, deployment.javaws.proxy.https.host, deployment.javaws.proxy.https.port, deployment.javaws.proxy.ftp.host, deployment.javaws.proxy.ftp.port, deployment.javaws.proxy.socks.host, deployment.javaws.proxy.socks.port

EVALUATION investigate to support customize proxy settings via java system properties set via jnlp file in 6u11

WORK AROUND Use Java Web Start 1.4.2 on Java SE 5.0 and Java SE 6.