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ImageMap applet fails to repaint, display properly on Vista using jre 6u10-b12. The same scenario works fine using jre 6u5-fcs (b13) on the same machines. Tested OS: 32-bit Windows Vista- Business Browser: FF IE 7 jre: 6u5-fcs/ 6u10-b12 The problem occurs with using 6u10-b12 classic Plug-in on FF IE 7 and the new Plug-in on IE 7 Steps to reproduce: ------------------ 1) Install promoted jre 6u10-b12 on 32-bit Vista 2) Browse http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.4/demo/applets/ImageMap/example1.html 3) The ImageMap applet should be loaded. Using the browser vertical scrollbar to scroll up and down. The image fails to repaint and display properly. At some points during the scrolling period, the image isn't displayed at all. This problem doesn't occur in 6u5.