6593761 is now completed, and the FilesInUse Dialog is working properly. However, there are a few items that still need to be implemented: -The listbox will have an all white background, rather than alternate shading. -There is no i18n/l10n at this point. It's all English for b06. -It will show the .exe name, rather than the name of the actual application. -ListBox items should not be selectable. We'll need to address this in a later 6uN build. http://xdesign.sfbay/projects/java/j2se/consumer/PatchInPlace/PatchInPlace.html#212 Also, "Quit the applications listed" is checked by default. The spec does say unchecked: http://xdesign.sfbay/projects/java/j2se/consumer/PatchInPlace/PatchInPlace.html#212 Bill says it should be just a 1 line change. Webrev/test cases are out and accepted for the required code changes. In addition to the enhancements listed in this CR, the changes also: 1. Introduced a horizontal scroll bar in the event window titles exceed the real estate provided in the listbox (scaled dynamically). 2. Added sorting to listbox contents (alphabetical). webrev: http://sa.sfbay.sun.com/projects/deployment_data/6u10/6617011.1