Timezone display names needs to be revised to correct typos and adapt Olson's timezone data udpate.
Major changes are as follows:
- "Pacific/Yap" used to have its own display names but now shares the diplay names for "Pacific/Truk".
- "ACT" used to have its own display names but now shares the diplay names for "Australia/Darwin".
- "Cuba" and "America/Havana" have own display names.
- "Yaktsk Summer Time" is corrected to "Yakutsk Summer Time" in TimeZoneNames.java
- Prepare display names of some timezones for DST in TimeZoneNames_en_CA.java
- "America/Knox_IN" and "US/Indiana-Starke" changed their timezone rules from "EST" to "CST", and display names need to be changed.