This is for escalation #1-20467020, radiance case #64990026, attention Ragini Prasad. Customer Starwood reported the following problem: We were able to reproduce the error using sample applets that ship with Sun���s JDK. We modified the applets to perform tasks that emulate what our application does, mainly providing a callback via live connect to a javascript function when an applet is started. All worked well, until we introduced frames into the mix. When we try to reload a page with the applets in a frame, it hangs, just like our application. Attached are the files necessary to reproduce the error. If you view test1.html or test2.html by itself using IE 7, you can reload without a problem. However, if you view test.html which uses a frameset to display both test1.html and test2.html, you cannot reload the individual frames. It locks up similar to how our application locks up. However, if you modify the javascript files (*.js) so that instead of writing out the applet control directly, write out using the setTimeout function, you are able to reload the individual frames. To reproduce: 1. install Tomcat 2. unzip the attachment 3. deploy the test case mutliAppletTest2 into Tomcat's webapps directory 4. execute the test by running the URL http://localhost:8080/multiAppletTest2/test.html