The test SDK regression test:
crashes when run on 5.0.x on some windows machines(multi core?), but not others.
The test basically just
- sets a bkpt in a trivial debuggee method that is called in a loop
- when the bkpt it hit, the debugger disables it, resumes the debuggee
and then re-enables the bkpt.
This is repeated 200 times.
On a dual core xeon machine(Windows 2003 Server), the
test always fails before 200 iterations are completed.
On a single processor athlon,(Win XP) the test never crashes, nor has
it been seen to fail on a two processor solx86 machine.
The failure only occurs with the client compiler.
The failure occurs with 5.0_11 and earlier updates (at least those I tried)
back to and including 5.0 FCS.
See the attached hs_err file which came from 5.0_11.
See also:
4926272: methodOopDesc::method_from_bcp is unsafe
See, e.g., the tlog file at
which mentions this bug id.