JDK-6377036 : consolidating rtpatch binary resources will save 2.2MB on all JRE download and 9MB on JDK downloads
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: deployment_toolkit
  • Affected Version: 5.0u7
  • Priority: P1
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2006-01-25
  • Updated: 2010-04-04
  • Resolved: 2006-04-24
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Other JDK 6
1.4.2_12Fixed 6Resolved
I was looking into why the patcher for the jdk installer was 18MB.  It shouldn't need to be this big.

Instead of linking up the rtpatch .rtp binary diff file in both English and Japanese, we should only do it for English.  We can consolidate this for both the JRE and the JDK using the PatchInstaller.rc resource file.

With this change, we can reduce every 5.0u7+ JRE download by at least 2.2MB, and we can reduce every 5.0u7+ JDK download by at least 9MB.

EVALUATION Looking into this further, the exact numbers are: The JRE will be reduced by 2.17MB The JDK will be reduced by 9.6MB

EVALUATION We need to take the .rtp file and the .dll file out of the Japanese patcher. It should not be there.

SUGGESTED FIX src/windows/patcher/PatchInstaller_ja.rc ------- PatchInstaller_ja.rc ------- 105,118d104 < // Patch File < // < IDP_PATCH_FILE PATCH MOVEABLE PURE "patch.rtp" < < < ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// < // < // Patch Engine < // < IDP_PATCH_ENGINE PATCH_ENGINE MOVEABLE PURE "patchw32.dll" < < < ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// < //