Customer(ISV) have a new version of our product that is currently targeted for release in 2006 that will be using 1.5. One of the challenges that customer face is that the exis- ting product, using 1.3 will continue to be in use at the end-user sites for some time. Customer is requesting a fix in 1.5 and 1.3 if at all possible. Customer has provided suggested fix. Description In our server side application, we issue number of outgoing HTTP/S requests to external systems beyond our control. Some of these systems are sluggish in their response than others, which affects the responsiveness of our application. We would like to be able to abandon the HTTP/S requests issued to these systems if they fail to respond within a certain time limit (that is configurable on our side). If we let the ���main��� thread servicing the user in our application issue the HTTP request to the external system, we can���t respond to the user request until the external system returns the response or an error, since the thread tends to get stuck in So our strategy has been to spin a separate thread ( which can be a new thread or a worker thread from a pool) to issue the HTTP request and have the ���main��� thread wait for a specified time. If the response is not received within the specified time limit, the main thread abandons the HTTP request and returns a response to the user. However, this approach doesn���t scale well for two reasons. 1. For each outgoing HTTP request, we must spin a new thread. This quickly cause s a thread pile up under load. If we use a bounded (in size) thread pool we simply pile the number of outstanding requests. 2. The thread that is spun for the HTTP request continues waiting on socket IO even though no one cares about the response after the time limit. So, we would like a deterministic way to ���interrupt��� the thread waiting on socket IO in an HttpURLConnection. Thread.interrupt() is not affective as designed to interrupt an IO. So we decided to try invoking the HttpURLConnection.disconnect () method from another thread to ���interrupt��� the thread that is stuck on the Socket IO. It turns out that it does close the socket causing the thread to return with an IOException. However even though the rver() method invoked from HttpURLConnection.disconnect() does successfully close the connection, the thread is usually stuck in the .parseHTTP() method which catches the exception and re-opens the connection to the server after one failure. The problem is that the HttpClient doesn���t distinguish between the ���client-initiatd" socket close versus a socket close by the peer. The ���retry-once��� semantics works well for socket resets by the peer, but does not work when the client its elf wants to abandon the request. Since the HttpURLConnection.disconnect()implem- entation sets the reference to the HttpClient to null after invoking closeServer () there is no way to close the socket again. I have considered the following fix (context diff follows). *** c:/jdk1.3.1_13/src/share/classes/sun/net/www/http/ Wed Nov 16 12:31:27 2005 --- c:/eclipse/workspace/HttpClientTest/src/sun/net/www/http/ Wed Nov 16 12:50:36 2005 *************** *** 32,38 **** PosterOutputStream poster = null; // if we've had one io error ! boolean failedOnce = false; /** regexp pool of hosts for which we should connect directly, not Proxy * these are intialized from a property. --- 32,38 ---- PosterOutputStream poster = null; // if we've had one io error ! volatile boolean failedOnce = false; /** regexp pool of hosts for which we should connect directly, not Proxy * these are intialized from a property. *************** *** 815,820 **** --- 815,828 ---- } catch (Exception e) {} } + /* Use to abandon the HttpRequest */ + public void abandon() { + try { + failedOnce = true; + closeServer(); + } catch (Exception e) {} + } + /** * @return the proxy host being used for this client, or null * if we're not going through a proxy The changes are indicated using ! and + in the first field. The rest of the lines are for context. 1. I made the field ���failedOnce��� volatile to allow changes by one thread (the interrupter) to be visible to another thread (the interrupted) without excessive synchronization. 2. I added another method called abandon() that sets failedOnce = true before in voking closeServer(). I couldn���t add ���failedOnce��� in closeServer() itself because it would prevent the ���retry-once��� semantics. *** c:/jdk1.3.1_13/src/share/classes/sun/net/www/protocol/http/ Wed Nov 16 12:31:28 2005 --- c:/eclipse/workspace/HttpClientTest/src/sun/net/www/protocol/http/HttpURLConnect ion .java Wed Nov 16 12:49:47 2005 *************** *** 858,864 **** ProgressData.pdata.unregister(pe); } if (http != null) { ! http.closeServer(); // poster = null; http = null; connected = false; --- 858,864 ---- ProgressData.pdata.unregister(pe); } if (http != null) { ! http.abandon(); // poster = null; http = null; connected = false; In the HttpURLConnection class, I simply call ���abandon��� instead of ���closeServer��� to distinguish between ���client initiated��� close (semantically equivalent to abandon) and a error triggered close of the socket that ���closeServer��� serves today. JSSE Extension While I was able to fix this for the JDK classes, we do use JSSE for HTTPS connections and run in to the same behavior there. However, the Http sURLConnection and HttpsClient classes in JSSE do not have any inheritance relat- ionship with the JDK classes and have the same issue. Since we don���t have the code for JSSE, I���m not able to provide a code diff. I suspect the fix would be similar.