Wrapping the remote operations with the connector server creator access
control context is not necessary in the JMX RMI/JRMP connector server as
the RMI/JRMP implementation already does that. This means that when using
the RMI/JRMP connector server every time a new connection is opened an
unnecessary call to AccessController.doPrivileged() is carried out. This
could be avoided.
The fix for the CR 6293356 carried out in 5.0u5 was implemented at
a level where the JMX code was shared by the two connector server
implementations, i.e. the RMI/JRMP and the RMI/IIOP connector servers.
In order to improve the performance of the applications using RMI/JRMP
and that repeatedly open a connection, perform several operations and
then close the connection immediately, the fix should be implemented
in the RMI/IIOP connector server only.