Manual Regression test 4974531 READ showing > 3000 test fails, But READEME file says is about 7900.
Test Case :
To reproduce:
1) Install 142_10-b01 jdk with deug version of it.
2) run the harness with the above test case.
3) The popup instructions says that " the number of WRITE request is more than 500 and
the number of READ request is more than 3000"
4) Go to wokspace CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4974531 By READEME.txt file in the workspace says that "the number of writes is about 3800 the number of reads is about 7900"
Manual Regression test 4974531 in the instructions, shows that test will fail if "the number of READ request is more than 3000". When tested this testcase I am getting 3746 READ requests. According to the instructions it is a fail behavior. But in the instructions provided by README from CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4974531 "the number of reads is about 7900 and each read is at most 512 bytes" then it fails.
This is happening with 1.4.2_10 and 1.4.2_09.
Test Case :
To Reproduce:
1) Install 142_10-b01 jdk with debug version.
2) copy the test CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4974531/ in the regression harness.
3) The popup instuction window shows that " Test will FAIL the number of READ request is more than 3000 "