The test came from _the mtrt specjvm98 test where I found this case when we not inlining monomorphic call. Note: the test should be compiled with 1.3.1 javac. Ouput with additional CHA prints (I added): C:\share>c:/jdk1.5.0_01/bin/java_g -server -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining test3 VM option '+PrintCompilation' VM option '+PrintInlining' 1 B::getXp1 (7 bytes) CHA: 2 targets, 3 receivers 0: A::getX (0x143d5698) 1: A::getX (0x143d5698) 'virtual call' -> @ 1 A::getX (10000 counts) (10000 rc) (5 bytes) 2 C::check (24 bytes) @ 9 B::getXp1 inline (hot) CHA: monomorphic A::getX @ 1 A::getX inline (hot) abstract class A { int X; public int getX() { return X; } } abstract class B extends A { public int getXp1() { return getX() + 1; } } class C extends B { void B() { X = 3; } int check(int N) { int j = 0; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) j += super.getXp1(); return j; } } public class test3 extends B { public static void main(String[] args) { C c = new C(); int ic1 = c.check(10000); // warmup int ic2 = c.check(10000); // compile } } ###@###.### 2004-12-21 23:13:57 GMT