jre1.5.0.10 found in Fearure Descripion of the JDK1.5.0_01 b03 Install Wizard Steps to Reproduce: ------------------ Notice the step: J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1 - Custom Setup Feature Description of "Public JRE" option under J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1 - Custom Setup of the Install Wizard has the following text: A copy of the JRE which will be installed into C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0.10. The JRE requires 161 MB on your hard drive. Expected text: -------------- A copy of the JRE which will be installed into C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01. The JRE requires 161 MB on your hard drive. ###@###.### 10/12/04 08:29 GMT