Whes there is a repeated redefine of classes , the class byte verification fails and results in JVMTI error 62: ------------------------ I am in Native: in Java_Redefine_RedefineClass Inside Printme: BBBBBBBBBB At count:24217 I am in Native: in Java_Redefine_RedefineClass Inside Printme: AAAAAAAAAA At count:24218 I am in Native: in Java_Redefine_RedefineClass Inside Printme: BBBBBBBBBB At count:24219 I am in Native: in Java_Redefine_RedefineClass RedefineImpl.c: Failed to call RedefineClasses(): 62: ErrorID: -------------------------- reproduciable on solsparc. How to reproduce the fail: cd /net/jano/export/disk20/GammaBase/Bugs/<BUG> source env.csh ksh run.ksh