JDK-4717715 : Faster multi-dimensional arrays in Client VM
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: compiler
  • Affected Version: 1.4.0
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: windows_2000
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2002-07-19
  • Updated: 2002-10-23
  • Resolved: 2002-10-23
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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1.4.2 mantisFixed

Name: jl125535			Date: 07/19/2002

java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

[Version 5.00.2195]

This report is similar to 4072712, except that this one
suggests that it is possible to maintain bounds checking
while accelerating array indexing.

The Client VM is particularly slow at dealing with multi-
dimensional arrays, e.g. matrices (2D arrays) that are
typical of many science and engineering programs. This has
lead people to do micro optimizations, e.g.




the latter is the basis for JSR 83 (Multiarray package)


I am currently trying to get changes to these particular
packages, but I suspect that many people do micro
optimisations to suite the Client VM because they test
primarily using this VM. (This is the one there IDE will
probably be using.)

The problem is demonstrated by the attached program which
solves the same problem 4 different ways. Most of the
program is concerned with timing and verifying results. At
the start of the program are 4 inner classes, each class
contains a method called body. It is these 4 body methods
that are of interest.

The first body is the baseline and is the obvious way of
doing 2D arrays in Java, i.e. an array of arrays accessed
using a[row][col].

The second body simulates a 2D array using a 1D array and
calculates the location inside the 1D array by multiplying
by the column length, i.e. a[row * cols + col].

The third method is like the second method except that the
multiplication is eliminated by using an extra index

Finally, the forth method uses an array of arrays but uses
pointers to rows so that instead of a[row][col] you use aRow
[col] where aRow = a[row] and is a temporary variable
assigned outside the inner loop.

All the methods (2-4) show a speed up on the client VM,
which is presumably why package writers use these micro
optimisations and other optimisations. The IBM VM and the
server VM don't show such a marked speed up (in fact the
micro optimisations can be slower on these VMs).

Is it possible to improve the handling of multi-dimensional
arrays in the client VM so that package writers aren't
tempted into micro optimisations?

Run program below

Expected Behavior:
Ideally the 4 timings given by the program below would be

Actual Behavior: (trial run with JDK 1.4 on Solaris 8)
% java MockFD
7.8 s - Test 1: 2D array using array[row][col]
6.6 s - Test 2: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col]
5.3 s - Test 3: 1D array using array[i]
5.3 s - Test 4: 2D array using arrayRow[col]
Spread = 1.5 times

This bug can be reproduced always.

---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
/* Mock up of a finite difference calculation to show array access speed for
different methods of implementing a1 2D matrix in Java */
package benchmarks.arrays;
import java.util.*;
public abstract class MockFD {
    private static final class ArrayOfArrays extends MockFD {
        public String toString() { return "2D array using array[row][col]"; }
        private static final double[][] a1 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a2 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a3 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a4 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static void 
            body(final double[][] d1, final double[][] s1,
                 final double[][] d2, final double[][] s2) 
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) {
                    d1[r][c] = alpha * s1[r][c] 
                               + beta * (s1[r-1][c] + s1[r][c-1] 
                                         + s1[r][c+1] + s1[r+1][c]);
                    d2[r][c] = alpha * s2[r][c] 
                               + beta * (s2[r-1][c] + s2[r][c-1] 
                                         + s2[r][c+1] + s2[r+1][c]);
        protected void calc() {
            body(a2, a1, a4, a3);
            body(a1, a2, a3, a4);
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { 
                    a1[r][c] += a3[r][c]; }
        protected double sum() {
            double sum = 0;
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { 
                    sum += a1[r][c]; }
            return sum;
        protected void fill() {
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { 
                System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1[r], border, cols); }
    private static final class ArrayWithMult extends MockFD {
        public String toString() { 
            return "1D array using array[row * colSize + col]"; }
        private static final double[] a1 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a2 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a3 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a4 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static void 
            body(final double[] d1, final double[] s1, final
                 double[] d2, final double[] s2) 
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) {
                    d1[r * colSize + c] = 
                        alpha * s1[r * colSize + c] 
                        + beta * (s1[(r-1) * colSize + c] 
                                  + s1[r * colSize + (c-1)] 
                                  + s1[r * colSize + (c+1)] 
                                  + s1[(r+1) * colSize + c]);
                    d2[r * colSize + c] = 
                        alpha * s2[r * colSize + c] 
                        + beta * (s2[(r-1) * colSize + c] 
                                  + s2[r * colSize + (c-1)] 
                                  + s2[r * colSize + (c+1)] 
                                  + s2[(r+1) * colSize + c]);
        protected void calc() {
            body(a2, a1, a4, a3);
            body(a1, a2, a3, a4);
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { 
                    a1[r * colSize + c] += a3[r * colSize + c]; }
        protected double sum() {
            double sum = 0;
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { 
                    sum += a1[r * colSize + c]; 
            return sum;
        protected void fill() {
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { 
                System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1, r * colSize + border, cols); 
    private static final class ArrayWithExtraIndex extends MockFD {
        public String toString() { return "1D array using array[i]"; }
        private static final double[] a1 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a2 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a3 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static final double[] a4 = new double[rowSize * colSize];
        private static void 
            body(final double[] d1, final double[] s1, 
                 final double[] d2, final double[] s2) 
            for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; 
                 r += colSize) 
                for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) {
                    d1[i] = alpha * s1[i] 
                            + beta * (s1[i-colSize] + s1[i-1] 
                                      + s1[i+1] + s1[i+colSize]);
                    d2[i] = alpha * s2[i] 
                            + beta * (s2[i-colSize] + s2[i-1] 
                                      + s2[i+1] + s2[i+colSize]);
        protected void calc() {
            body(a2, a1, a4, a3);
            body(a1, a2, a3, a4);
            for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; 
                 r += colSize) 
                for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) { 
                    a1[i] += a3[i]; 
        protected double sum() {
            double sum = 0;
            for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; 
                 r += colSize) 
                for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) { 
                    sum += a1[i]; 
            return sum;
        protected void fill() {
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy
(row, 0, a1, r * colSize + border, cols); }
    private static final class ArrayOfArraysWithTempRows extends MockFD {
        public String toString() { return "2D array using arrayRow[col]"; }
        private static final double[][] a1 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a2 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a3 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static final double[][] a4 = new double[rowSize][colSize];
        private static void 
            body(final double[][] d1, final double[][] s1,
                 final double[][] d2, final double[][] s2) {
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                double[] d1R = d1[r];
                double[] s1Rm1 = s1[r-1];
                double[] s1R = s1[r];
                double[] s1Rp1 = s1[r+1];
                double[] d2R = d2[r];
                double[] s2Rm1 = s2[r-1];
                double[] s2R = s2[r];
                double[] s2Rp1 = s2[r+1];
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) {
                    d1R[c] = alpha * s1R[c] 
                             + beta * (s1Rm1[c] + s1R[c-1] 
                                       + s1R[c+1] + s1Rp1[c]);
                    d2R[c] = alpha * s2R[c] 
                             + beta * (s2Rm1[c] + s2R[c-1] 
                                       + s2R[c+1] + s2Rp1[c]);
        protected void calc() {
            body(a2, a1, a4, a3);
            body(a1, a2, a3, a4);
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                double[] a1R = a1[r];
                double[] a3R = a3[r];
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) {
                    a1R[c] += a3R[c];
        protected double sum() {
            double sum = 0;
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) {
                for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { 
                    sum += a1[r][c]; 
            return sum;
        protected void fill() {
            for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { 
                System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1[r], border, cols); }
    private static final int loops = 100;
    private static final int rows = 256;
    private static final int cols = 256;
    private static final int border = 1; // matrix borders are typically
                                         // used in finite difference
                                         // calculations for boundaries
    private static final int rowSize = rows + 2 * border;
    private static final int colSize = cols + 2 * border;
    private static final double alpha = 2d / 3d;
    private static final double beta = 1d / 3d;
    private static final double[] row = new double[cols];
    private static double result;
    private static int testNumber;
    private static double fastest = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    private static double slowest;
    private MockFD() {}
    protected abstract void fill();
    protected abstract void calc();
    protected abstract double sum();
    private static void initRow() {
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { row[c] = Math.random(); }
    private static double run(final MockFD t, final int loops) {
        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int loop = 0; loop < loops; loop++) { t.calc(); }
        return Math.rint( (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 100d ) / 10;
    private static void test(final MockFD t) {
        run(t, loops / 10); // disgard first run, compilation cause first run
                            // to be slow, which in turn means more loops to
                            // get acurate assesmenmt of a big job, which in 
                            // turn means longer run time. To speed things up
                            // ignore compilation.
        final double time = run(t, loops);
        if (testNumber == 0) { result = t.sum(); }
        if ( result == t.sum() ) {
            System.out.println( time + " s - Test " + (++testNumber) + ": " + t );
            slowest = Math.max(slowest, time);
            fastest = Math.min(fastest, time);
        else { System.out.println(t + " gave incorrect result of " 
                                  + t.sum()+ ", should be " + result); }
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        test( new ArrayOfArrays() );
        test( new ArrayWithMult() );
        test( new ArrayWithExtraIndex() );
        test( new ArrayOfArraysWithTempRows() );
        final double spread = Math.rint(10 * slowest / fastest) / 10;
        System.out.println("Spread = " + spread + " times");

---------- END SOURCE ----------

Avoid using packages with mirco optimizations that are only
suitable for the Client VM.
(Review ID: 159392) 

CONVERTED DATA BugTraq+ Release Management Values COMMIT TO FIX: mantis FIXED IN: mantis INTEGRATED IN: mantis

EVALUATION We can definitely improve our array code in general, but it will never be the case for c1 that multidimensional array code is as fast as 1D code. I've got a couple small tweaks that improve this code quite a bit though. 1.4.0: 5.6 s - Test 1: 2D array using array[row][col] 4.6 s - Test 2: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col] 4.0 s - Test 4: 1D array using array[i] 3.6 s - Test 5: 2D array using arrayRow[col] 1.4.1: 4.9 s - Test 6: 2D array using array[row][col] 4.3 s - Test 7: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col] 3.6 s - Test 9: 1D array using array[i] 3.2 s - Test 10: 2D array using arrayRow[col] fixed: 4.2 s - Test 1: 2D array using array[row][col] 3.0 s - Test 2: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col] 2.7 s - Test 4: 1D array using array[i] 2.9 s - Test 5: 2D array using arrayRow[col] Given the lack of global optimizations in the client compiler, I don't think this can be improved much more in 1.4.x. Maybe in 1.5 something more can be done. The fixes involved are breaking array length references in the IR so they can be commoned, which is something we'd talked about many times but never got to, and slightly improved expression shaping and constant folding and some trivial reassociation. ###@###.### 2002-09-03 I had to remove the expression reshaping code since it caused problems with spilling but I think we'll be able to revisit this in Tiger. The times for the current build are below. smite ~ % /export/ws/compspeed/sparc/jdk1.4/bin/java MockFD 4.2 s - Test 1: 2D array using array[row][col] 3.5 s - Test 2: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col] 3.0 s - Test 3: 1D array using array[row * colSize + col] reassociated 2.7 s - Test 4: 1D array using array[i] 2.9 s - Test 5: 2D array using arrayRow[col] Spread = 1.6 times Which are fairly good but some of the reassociation of expressions that was being done in Test2 is gone, resulting in a slight slowdown. I've included the modififed test case I wrote below. It used a fixed random number seed which improves the reproducibility from run to run. I also introduced a case where I did some hand reassociation to compare it with what the compiler could do. /* Mock up of a finite difference calculation to show array access speed for different methods of implementing a1 2D matrix in Java */ //package benchmarks.arrays; import java.util.*; public abstract class MockFD { private static final class ArrayOfArrays extends MockFD { public String toString() { return "2D array using array[row][col]"; } private final double[][] a1 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a2 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a3 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a4 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private static void body(final double[][] d1, final double[][] s1, final double[][] d2, final double[][] s2) { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { d1[r][c] = alpha * s1[r][c] + beta * (s1[r-1][c] + s1[r][c-1] + s1[r][c+1] + s1[r+1][c]); d2[r][c] = alpha * s2[r][c] + beta * (s2[r-1][c] + s2[r][c-1] + s2[r][c+1] + s2[r+1][c]); } } } protected void calc() { body(a2, a1, a4, a3); body(a1, a2, a3, a4); for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { a1[r][c] += a3[r][c]; } } } protected double sum() { double sum = 0; for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { sum += a1[r][c]; } } return sum; } protected void fill() { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1[r], border, cols); } } } private static final class ArrayWithMult extends MockFD { public String toString() { return "1D array using array[row * colSize + col]"; } private final double[] a1 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a2 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a3 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a4 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private static void body(final double[] d1, final double[] s1, final double[] d2, final double[] s2) { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { d1[r * colSize + c] = alpha * s1[r * colSize + c] + beta * (s1[(r-1) * colSize + c] + s1[r * colSize + (c-1)] + s1[r * colSize + (c+1)] + s1[(r+1) * colSize + c]); d2[r * colSize + c] = alpha * s2[r * colSize + c] + beta * (s2[(r-1) * colSize + c] + s2[r * colSize + (c-1)] + s2[r * colSize + (c+1)] + s2[(r+1) * colSize + c]); } } } protected void calc() { body(a2, a1, a4, a3); body(a1, a2, a3, a4); for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { a1[r * colSize + c] += a3[r * colSize + c]; } } } protected double sum() { double sum = 0; for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { sum += a1[r * colSize + c]; } } return sum; } protected void fill() { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1, r * colSize + border, cols); } } } private static final class ArrayWithMultWithReassoc extends MockFD { public String toString() { return "1D array using array[row * colSize + col] reassociated"; } private final double[] a1 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a2 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a3 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a4 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private static void body(final double[] d1, final double[] s1, final double[] d2, final double[] s2) { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { d1[r * colSize + c] = alpha * s1[r * colSize + c] + beta * (s1[r * colSize + c - colSize] + s1[r * colSize + c - 1] + s1[r * colSize + c + 1] + s1[r * colSize + c + colSize]); d2[r * colSize + c] = alpha * s2[r * colSize + c] + beta * (s2[r * colSize + c - colSize] + s2[r * colSize + c - 1] + s2[r * colSize + c + 1] + s2[r * colSize + c + colSize]); } } } protected void calc() { body(a2, a1, a4, a3); body(a1, a2, a3, a4); for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { a1[r * colSize + c] += a3[r * colSize + c]; } } } protected double sum() { double sum = 0; for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { sum += a1[r * colSize + c]; } } return sum; } protected void fill() { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1, r * colSize + border, cols); } } } private static final class ArrayWithExtraIndex extends MockFD { public String toString() { return "1D array using array[i]"; } private final double[] a1 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a2 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a3 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private final double[] a4 = new double[rowSize * colSize]; private static void body(final double[] d1, final double[] s1, final double[] d2, final double[] s2) { for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; r += colSize) { for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) { d1[i] = alpha * s1[i] + beta * (s1[i-colSize] + s1[i-1] + s1[i+1] + s1[i+colSize]); d2[i] = alpha * s2[i] + beta * (s2[i-colSize] + s2[i-1] + s2[i+1] + s2[i+colSize]); } } } protected void calc() { body(a2, a1, a4, a3); body(a1, a2, a3, a4); for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; r += colSize) { for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) { a1[i] += a3[i]; } } } protected double sum() { double sum = 0; for (int r = border * colSize; r < (rows + border) * colSize; r += colSize) { for (int c = 0, i = r + border; c < cols; c++, i++) { sum += a1[i]; } } return sum; } protected void fill() { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy (row, 0, a1, r * colSize + border, cols); } } } private static final class ArrayOfArraysWithTempRows extends MockFD { public String toString() { return "2D array using arrayRow[col]"; } private final double[][] a1 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a2 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a3 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private final double[][] a4 = new double[rowSize][colSize]; private static void body(final double[][] d1, final double[][] s1, final double[][] d2, final double[][] s2) { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { double[] d1R = d1[r]; double[] s1Rm1 = s1[r-1]; double[] s1R = s1[r]; double[] s1Rp1 = s1[r+1]; double[] d2R = d2[r]; double[] s2Rm1 = s2[r-1]; double[] s2R = s2[r]; double[] s2Rp1 = s2[r+1]; for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { d1R[c] = alpha * s1R[c] + beta * (s1Rm1[c] + s1R[c-1] + s1R[c+1] + s1Rp1[c]); d2R[c] = alpha * s2R[c] + beta * (s2Rm1[c] + s2R[c-1] + s2R[c+1] + s2Rp1[c]); } } } protected void calc() { body(a2, a1, a4, a3); body(a1, a2, a3, a4); for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { double[] a1R = a1[r]; double[] a3R = a3[r]; for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { a1R[c] += a3R[c]; } } } protected double sum() { double sum = 0; for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { for (int c = border; c < cols + border; c++) { sum += a1[r][c]; } } return sum; } protected void fill() { for (int r = border; r < rows + border; r++) { System.arraycopy(row, 0, a1[r], border, cols); } } } private static final int loops = 100; private static final int rows = 256; private static final int cols = 256; private static final int border = 1; // matrix borders are typically // used in finite difference // calculations for boundaries private static final int rowSize = rows + 2 * border; private static final int colSize = cols + 2 * border; private static final double alpha = 2d / 3d; private static final double beta = 1d / 3d; private static final double[] row = new double[cols]; private static double result; private static int testNumber; private static double fastest = Double.MAX_VALUE; private static double slowest; private MockFD() {} protected abstract void fill(); protected abstract void calc(); protected abstract double sum(); private static void initRow() { Random r = new Random(0); for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { row[c] = r.nextDouble(); } } private static double run(final MockFD t, final int loops) { t.fill(); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int loop = 0; loop < loops; loop++) { t.calc(); } return Math.rint( (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 100d ) / 10; } private static void test(final MockFD t) { run(t, loops / 2); // discard first run, compilation cause first run // to be slow, which in turn means more loops to // get accurate assessment of a big job, which in // turn means longer run time. To speed things up // ignore compilation. System.gc(); final double time = run(t, loops); if (testNumber == 0) { result = t.sum(); } if ( result == t.sum() ) { System.out.println( time + " s - Test " + (++testNumber) + ": " + t ); slowest = Math.max(slowest, time); fastest = Math.min(fastest, time); } else { System.out.println(t + " gave incorrect result of " + t.sum()+ ", should be " + result); } } public static void main(final String[] args) { doit(); //doit(); } public static void doit() { initRow(); test( new ArrayOfArrays() ); test( new ArrayWithMult() ); test( new ArrayWithMultWithReassoc() ); test( new ArrayWithExtraIndex() ); test( new ArrayOfArraysWithTempRows() ); final double spread = Math.rint(10 * slowest / fastest) / 10; System.out.println("Spread = " + spread + " times"); } } ###@###.### 2002-10-14