JDK-4688776 : JaWS, JAWS 1.2 b08, Translation errors
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: webstart
  • Affected Version: 1.2.0
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2002-05-21
  • Updated: 2003-07-11
  • Resolved: 2003-01-23
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

To download the current JDK release, click here.
1.4.2 betaFixed
Related Reports
Relates :  
There is still some english sentences during spanish installation. But the important parts of the installation (eg. select the directory to install JaWS) are in Spanish.
In the application manager there are only some grammar errors, but no english

other languages:
In other languages there are only some minor translation errors, but no english

see attachment

###@###.### 2002-05-21

All the translation errors have now been fixed except for one in JAWS rc-b19.  

In the Spanish control Panel the string "Opciones de la carpeta de la aplicacion" has not yet been replaced by "Opciones de la carpeta de aplicaciones"  - see es attachments

###@###.### 2002-08-07

###@###.### 2003-06-27
Tested bundle: j2re-1_4_2-rc-bin-b23-windows-i586-13_may_2003.exe
Test result: fix failed (see below)
ES: (Win ME)
- no changes have been made to the JaWS Control Panel translation.

FR: (W2k)
- these items have been updated: 'proxies', 'Recharche de JRE', 'Taille reele (en Ko)', 'Valide du ... au ...'

DE: (Win XP Pro)
- translation updated -> OK
- the button 'Protokolldateiname auswaehlen' ('Choose log file name' on 'Advanced' tab) should be translated as 'Protokolldateinamen auswaehlen'

CONVERTED DATA BugTraq+ Release Management Values COMMIT TO FIX: mantis-beta FIXED IN: mantis-beta INTEGRATED IN: mantis-beta

EVALUATION Commit to Hopper-RC. Translation errors that need to be corrected. ###@###.### 2002-06-05 ###@###.### 2002-07-18 ******** l10n evaluation template - begin *********** Evaluation : Updated all the strings that I could find, except for the spanish non-translated. strings. AFAIK these were fixed as part of bug 4531092 sccsdiff info (e.g. sccs diffs -r1.30 1.31 Activator_fr.java): sccs diffs resource-int_fr.rc ------- resource-int_fr.rc ------- 184c184 < JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SETUP "Configuration de %1" --- > JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SETUP "Installation de %1" 190c190 < JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SETUP2 "Configuration de %1 : %2" --- > JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SETUP2 "Installation de %1 : %2" 200,201c200,201 < JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SPACEREQ "Espace requis : %1!d! ko" < JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SPACEAVAIL "Espace disponible : %1!d! ko" --- > JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SPACEREQ "Espace requis : %1!d! Ko" > JAVAWS_MESSAGE_SPACEAVAIL "Espace disponible : %1!d! Ko" sccs diffs strings_de.properties ------- strings_de.properties ------- 231c231 < controlpanel.advanced.logFileLabel=Dateinamen protokollieren --- > controlpanel.advanced.logFileLabel=Protokolldateiname 233c233 < controlpanel.advanced.chooseLogButton=Name der Protokolldatei ausw\u00e4hlen --- > controlpanel.advanced.chooseLogButton=Protokolldateiname ausw\u00e4hlen 238c238 < controlpanel.advanced.currentSizeLabel=Aktuelle Gr\u00f6\u00dfe (in KByte) --- > controlpanel.advanced.currentSizeLabel=Aktuelle Gr\u00f6\u00dfe (in KB) sccs diffs strings_es.properties ------- strings_es.properties ------- 226c226 < controlpanel.advanced.cache=Opciones de la carpeta de la aplicaci\u00f3n: --- > controlpanel.advanced.cache=Opciones de la carpeta de aplicaci\u00f3nes: sccs diffs strings_fr.properties ------- strings_fr.properties ------- 237c237 < controlpanel.advanced.currentSizeLabel=Taille r\u00e9elle (en ko) --- > controlpanel.advanced.currentSizeLabel=Taille r\u00e9elle (en Ko) 242,243c242,243 < controlpanel.advanced.clearCache1=Cette op\u00e9ration supprimera toutres les ressources t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es.\nLes ressources devront \u00eatre t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es de nouveau pour une ex\u00e9cution ult\u00e9rieure.\n < controlpanel.advanced.clearCache2=Est-ce vraiment ce que vous voulez? --- > controlpanel.advanced.clearCache1=Cette op\u00e9ration supprimera toutes les ressources t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es.\nLes ressources devront \u00eatre t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es de nouveau pour une ex\u00e9cution ult\u00e9rieure.\n > controlpanel.advanced.clearCache2=\u00c9tes-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir effectuer cette op\u00e9ration? 355c355 < certificatePanel.general.label=Information de certification --- > certificatePanel.general.label=Informations de certification 358c358 < certificatePanel.general.dateString0=Valide de {0} \u00e0 {1} --- > certificatePanel.general.dateString0=Valide du {0} au {1} List file(s) to be delivered : src/win32/nsis/exehead/resource-int_fr.rc src/share/classes/com/sun/javaws/resources/strings_de.properties src/share/classes/com/sun/javaws/resources/strings_es.properties src/share/classes/com/sun/javaws/resources/strings_fr.properties Target Build : Hopper-rc Additional Info : ******** l10n evaluation template - end*********** ###@###.### 2002-11-07 ******** l10n evaluation template - begin *********** Evaluation : Fixed the last string for this one sccsdiff info (e.g. sccs diffs -r1.30 1.31 Activator_fr.java): sccs diffs -r1.14 strings_es.properties ------- strings_es.properties ------- 226c226 < controlpanel.advanced.cache=Opciones de la carpeta de la aplicaci\u00f3n: --- > controlpanel.advanced.cache=Opciones de la carpeta de aplicaci\u00f3nes: List file(s) to be delivered : src/javaws/src/share/classes/com/sun/javaws/resources/strings_es.properties Target Build : Mantis Additional Info : ******** l10n evaluation template - end*********** webrev info at: http://sekai.sfbay/projects3/javasoft_j2se1.4.2_mantis/javasoft_j2se1.4.2_mantis/web/bugs/current.deploy/4688776/index.html ###@###.### 2002-12-11