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Define a resize method on each primitive array type PrimT, as if by this code: PrimT[] cloneRange(int from, int to) { int newLength = to - from; PrimT[] newThis = new PrimT[newLength]; System.arraycopy(this, from, newThis, 0, Math.min(length-from, newLength)); return newThis; } In addition, define the corresponding covariant-returning method on Object[]: Object[] cloneRange(int from, int to) { int newLength = to - from; Object[] newThis = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( getClass().getComponentType(), newLength ); System.arraycopy(this, from, newThis, 0, Math.min(length-from, newLength)); return newThis; } In a recent project of 10K lines of Java, out of about 120 new array operations, 9 were immediately followed by an arraycopy which could have been expressed by the methods above. (This code used Collections heavily, and would have used Collection-based idioms for these 120 array allocations, if possible. Most of the arraycopy calls were on primitive arrays.) This code pattern occurs wherever people are collecting variable-count data into arrays, and can not or will not use Collection types. (Note that collections do not work well with primitive types.) This code pattern appears in performance-critical parts of the SDK, such as string concatenation and collection building. In general, many arrays in Java applications cannot be sized accurately before they are filled. This implies a resizing operation, which currently must use System.arraycopy which is weakly type-checked (the order of arguments is notoriously difficult to remember). Moreover, if the initial allocation of the array is generous enough, the System.arraycopy call might be executed infrequently enough to make testing haphazard--perhaps big-enough arrays will only occur in production use, opening up the prospect of a post-release bug! The bottom line is that writing the new/arraycopy idiom is error prone. It also hides optimization opportunities from the compiler. The above method covers both subrange extraction and resizing, in order to minimize the number of new methods. It has no range check on the second argument. If this is a problem, the method could be split into cloneRange (range checking both arguments) and resize (no range check, but first argument is omitted and is taken to be zero). This proposal puts the method on array types, because of the great frequency of the operation. A more conservative approach would put the methods on java.util.Arrays, following the pattern of sort, binarySearch, etc.