JDK-4965907 : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using -server flag
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: compiler
  • Affected Version: 1.4.2
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: linux,windows_xp
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2003-12-09
  • Updated: 2004-01-21
  • Resolved: 2004-01-21
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Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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5.0 b35Fixed
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Name: rmT116609			Date: 12/09/2003

java version "1.4.2_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_02-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_02-b03, mixed mode)

and with -server flag:

java version "1.4.2_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_02-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.4.2_02-b03, mixed mode)

Linux p4laptop.riser 2.4.20-gentoo-r6 #2 Mit Aug 20 22:14:28 CEST 2003 i686 Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Same behavior on other (at least linux) machines.

When run without -server flag the program runs successfully:

$ java GF65536Redundance28

but when the -server flag ist added there occurs a sucpicious Exception

$ java -server GF65536Redundance28
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 74074
        at GF65536.polyeval(GF65536.java:156)
        at GF65536Redundance28.encode(GF65536Redundance28.java:95)
        at GF65536Redundance28.main(GF65536Redundance28.java:122)

The critical code lines are:
int t = (L[(d & 0xffff)] & 0xffff) + (L[(bi & 0xffff)] & 0xffff); // <- t can't be more than 2*0xffff = 2*65535
if (t > 65536-1) t = t - (65536-1);   // <- this statement seems to be ignored when running with -server flag
s = (short)(s^E[t]);  // <- here occurs the java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

on the last line t can't be more than 65535 because on the first line it gets a value between 0 and 2*65535 and the middle line brings t back in the interval [0,65535]. E however is an array[65546], so OutofBoundsException should not occur -- and also do not if the -server flag is not specified.

  To me it looks like the middle line is ignored when -server is used.

$ javac *.java
$ java -server GF65536Redundance28

The program should terminated normally and not through Exceptions.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 74074
        at GF65536.polyeval(GF65536.java:156)
        at GF65536Redundance28.encode(GF65536Redundance28.java:95)
        at GF65536Redundance28.main(GF65536Redundance28.java:122)

see actual results

This bug can be reproduced always.

---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
 * Created on 03.08.2003
 * (C) by Micha Riser

 * @author micha
final public class GF65536 {
	private static short[] E = new short[65536];
	private static short[] L = new short[65536];
	private static short[] inv = new short[65536]; // multiplicative inverse table
	private static final String[] dig = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7",
	private static boolean isinitialized = false;
	// fast multiply using table lookup
	static public short mul(short a, short b){
	   int t = 0;
	   if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0;
	   t = (L[(a & 0xffff)] & 0xffff) + (L[(b & 0xffff)] & 0xffff);
	   if (t > 65536-1) t = t - (65536-1);
	   return E[t];
	// slow multiply, using shifting
	static private short FFMul(short a, short b) {
	   short aa = a, bb = b, r = 0, t;
	   while (aa != 0) {
		  if ((aa & 1) != 0)
			 r = (short)(r ^ bb);
		  t = (short)(bb & 0x8000);
		  bb = (short)(bb << 1);
		  if (t != 0)
			 bb = (short)(bb ^ 0x9A0F);
		  aa = (short)((aa & 0xffff) >> 1);
	   return r;

	// hex: print a short as two hex digits
	static public String hex(short a) {
	   return dig[(a & 0xffff) >> 12] + dig[(a & 0x0fff) >> 8] + dig[(a & 0x00ff) >> 4] + dig[a & 0x0f];

	// hex: print a single digit (for tables)
	static public String hex(int a) {
	   return dig[a];

	// loadE: create and load the E table
	static private void loadE() {
	   short x = (short)0x0001;
	   int index = 0;
	   E[index++] = (short)0x0001;
	   for (int i = 0; i < 65536-1; i++) {
		  short y = FFMul(x, (short)0x0021);
		  E[index++] = y;
		  x = y;

	// loadL: load the L table using the E table
	static private void loadL() {
	   int index;
	   for (int i = 0; i < 65536-1; i++) {
		   L[E[i] & 0xffff] = (short)i;

	// loadInv: load in the table inv
	static private void loadInv() {
	   int index;
	   for (int i = 0; i < 65535; i++)
		   inv[i] = (short)(inv((short)(i & 0xffff)) & 0xffff);

	// the multiplicative inverse of a short value
	static public short inv(short b) {
	   short e = L[b & 0xffff];
	   return E[0xffff - (e & 0xffff)];
	static public short add(short a, short b) {
		return (short)(a^b);

	static public short sub(short a, short b) {
		return (short)(a^b);

	synchronized static void init() {
		if (!isinitialized) {
			isinitialized = true;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
	static short[][] calculateLix(short[] bases, int rawlength, int deslength) {
		short[][] ret = new short[deslength][rawlength];
		for(short x=0; x<deslength; x++) {
			for(int i=0; i<rawlength; i++) {
				//calculate Li(x)
				short d = 1;
				for(short j=0; j<rawlength; j++)
					if (j!=i) {
						d = mul(d,sub(bases[i],bases[j]));
				d = inv(d);
				for(short j=0; j<rawlength; j++)
					if (j!=i) {
						d = mul(d,sub(x,bases[j]));
				ret[x][i] = d;
		return ret;
	 * This is the time critical code!
	 * @param b
	 * @param lix
	 * @param ret
	 * @return

	static short[] polyeval(short[] b, short[][] lix, short[] ret) {

		for(int x=0; x<ret.length; x++) {
			short s = 0;
			for(int i=0; i<b.length; i++) {
				// multiply Li[x] with b_i
				short d = lix[x][i];
				int bi = b[i];
				if (d == 0 || bi == 0) continue;
				int t = (L[(d & 0xffff)] & 0xffff) + (L[(bi & 0xffff)] & 0xffff); // <- t can't be more than 2*0xffff = 2*65535
				if (t > 65536-1) t = t - (65536-1);   // <- this statement seems to be ignored when running with -server flag (*)
				s = (short)(s^E[t]);  // <- here occurs the java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
			ret[x] = s;
		return ret;


 * Created on 03.08.2003
 * (C) by Micha Riser, 2003

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.Random;

 * @author micha
public class GF65536Redundance28 {

	static public class Data {
		public long getSize() {return size;}
		public long size;
		public byte[][] chunks;

	public int nofBlocks(Data d) {
		int totalrawnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil((double)d.getSize()/(double)chunksize);
		return (int)Math.ceil((double)totalrawnofchunks/BLOCKSIZE);
	public int neededChunks(Data d, int block) {
		int totalrawnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil((double)d.getSize()/(double)chunksize);
		int blocks = (int)Math.ceil((double)totalrawnofchunks/BLOCKSIZE);
		if (block == blocks-1) {
			int ret = totalrawnofchunks % BLOCKSIZE;
			if (ret==0) return BLOCKSIZE; else return ret;
		} else {
			return BLOCKSIZE;
	public int nofChunks(int neededchunks) {
		return (int)Math.ceil(neededchunks*1.28);

	public Data encode(java.io.InputStream input, long datalength) {
		int totalrawnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil((double)datalength/(double)chunksize);
		int totaldesnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil(totalrawnofchunks*1.28);
		int blocks = (int)Math.ceil((double)totalrawnofchunks/BLOCKSIZE);

		// now encode
			Data ret = new Data();
			ret.chunks = new byte[totaldesnofchunks][chunksize];
			ret.size = datalength;
			for(int blocki=0; blocki<blocks; blocki++) {
				int rawnofchunks,desnofchunks;
				if (blocki==blocks-1) {
					rawnofchunks = totalrawnofchunks % BLOCKSIZE;
					if (rawnofchunks==0) rawnofchunks = BLOCKSIZE;
					desnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil(rawnofchunks*1.28);
				} else {
					rawnofchunks = BLOCKSIZE;
					desnofchunks = (int)Math.ceil(BLOCKSIZE*1.28);
				short[] idbase = new short[rawnofchunks];
				for(short i=0; i<rawnofchunks; i++) idbase[i]=i;
				short[][]lix = GF65536.calculateLix(idbase,rawnofchunks,desnofchunks);
				short[] in = new short[rawnofchunks];
				short[] out = new short[desnofchunks];
				long retsize = ret.getSize();
				for(int i=0; i<chunksize; i+=2) {
					int offset = i*rawnofchunks;
					for(int j=0; j<rawnofchunks; j++) {
						if (offset+2*j<retsize-1) {
							in[j] = (short)( (input.read() & 0xff)+ (input.read() << 8) &0xffff );
						} else {
							if (offset+2*j == retsize-1) {
								in[j] = (short)input.read();
							} else {
								in[j] = 0;
					for(int j=0; j<desnofchunks; j++) {
						ret.chunks[BLOCKSIZEENC*blocki+j][i] = (byte)((out[j] & 0xff00)>>8);
						ret.chunks[BLOCKSIZEENC*blocki+j][i+1] = (byte)(out[j] & 0xff);
			return ret;
		} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
			return null;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {
		int SIZE =1630400;
		byte[] random = new byte[SIZE];
		java.util.Random rnd = new Random(1234);

		GF65536Redundance28 encoder = new GF65536Redundance28();
		Data enc = encoder.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream(random),SIZE);

	private final int chunksize = 256*1024;
	static private final int BLOCKSIZE = 100;
	static private final int BLOCKSIZEENC = 128;


---------- END SOURCE ----------

- do not use the -server flag
- I got around this by enlarging the array E by a factor 2, copying the lower part to the upper part and removing the if-state (line that is marked by *). Bad side of this is that it needs more memory (and probably is worse for the CPU's cache)
(Incident Review ID: 229675) 

CONVERTED DATA BugTraq+ Release Management Values COMMIT TO FIX: tiger-beta2 FIXED IN: tiger-beta2 INTEGRATED IN: tiger-b35 tiger-beta2

SUGGESTED FIX See attached patch file for memnode.cpp. ###@###.### 2004-01-14

EVALUATION The AndINode Ideal() transformation is over-agressively changing a LoadS node to a LoadC node. In the edge case where the mask is 0xffff0000, this signed to unsigned change makes the compiler wrongly believe that the range of "t" has an upper bound of 32767. ###@###.### 2003-12-15 Better evaluation: LoadNode:Value() is wrongly using the array element type to refine the LoadC node. We lose values from our TypeInt node which are valid. ###@###.### 2004-01-13