JDK-7027047 : [FORWARD|BACKWARD]_TRAVERSAL fields in ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy should not be serializable
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.awt
  • Affected Version: 7
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Won't Fix
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2011-03-12
  • Updated: 2016-03-14
  • Resolved: 2016-03-14
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They are declared as:
    final private int FORWARD_TRAVERSAL = 0;
    final private int BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL = 1;
so it's not clear why they are required in the serialized form of the ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy class.
JDK7 deferral NMI -- Does SQE agree with this request?
This bug should be changed only in major release.

Changing the final members to transient might cause java.io.InvalidClassException, when de-serializing objects which were serialized with previous version of java. DefaultFocusFTP is inherited from ContainerOrderFTP & DefaultFTP is the default FocusTraversalPolicy for all AWT Containers. So This change may have a larger impact. Resolving the issue, as fixing this bug can cause incompatibilities.

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

Converted "8-client-defer-candidate" label to "8-defer-request" by SQE' OK.

*This is anti-deferral criteria list*: - P2 -------------- Engineering's Criteria ------------------------------------- - tck-red labeled - conformance labeled - P3 regressions reported/labeled against jdk8 - findbugs, parfait, eht labeled bugs - CAP <1 year reported - netbeans <1 year reported Victor ----------------- SQE's OK --------------------------------- Yes, we are ok with that thanks, Mikhail

8-defer-request: This is the issue from 7 GA when it was approved to defer that time. Requesting to defer again because there are no customer escalations on this issue.

EVALUATION They are actually consts so we don't need they in serialized form but seem that they has added back in early 2003 (JDK1.5) with the patch for 4719336: Ability for non focusCycleRoots to provide focusTraversalPolicy Just moving it out of the serial form in an incompatible change.