JDK-6479257 : Webstart ignores icon with kind="splash"
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: webstart
  • Affected Version: solaris_11
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_xp
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2006-10-06
  • Updated: 2014-02-27
  • Resolved: 2006-10-06
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Duplicate :  
I have a webstart application which defines two icons, a 32x32 icon for use as a desktop shortcut, and a 64x64 one for use as a splash icon.  The segment from the JNLP file is:

    <icon href="MeninosIcon32.gif"/>
    <icon href="MeninosIcon64.gif" kind="splash"/>

However the 64x64 icon is ignored during the download, and is not used in the application startup splash screen - I get the default "Java Loading" splash screen.  I've tried everything I can think of - reordering the icon entries, explicitly pecifying the height and width of the icons, adding "kind="default" to the 32x32 icon and so forth.

And if I remove the 64x64 icon entry altogether, I *still* get the default "Java Loading" splash screen - no matter what I try I can't get webstart to display a custom splash screen.

I've also compared my configuration to the bugster JNLP file, which *does* work properly, and I can't see any pertinent differences.  I've even tried using the "lady.jpg" file Bugster uses, but that still doesn't display as a splash screen with my app.

One thing that might be pertinent: my JNLP is hosted on Apache and uses content negotiation to serve pack200 versions of the Jar files - although I've tried disabling it and it didn't make any apparent difference.

The application is at http://www.bleaklow.com/meninos/membership_test/ - for the moment at least.  The only bit you can't browse is the Apache .htaccess file, which is below:

AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp
AddType application/x-java-archive .jar
AddHandler application/x-type-map .var
Options +MultiViews
<Files *.pack.gz>
    AddEncoding pack200-gzip .jar
    RemoveEncoding .gz

I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how I might debug this further.

WORK AROUND Remove the <!DOCTYPE line from the .jnlp file *** (#1 of 1): [ UNSAVED ] ###@###.###

EVALUATION i tried to remove the DOCTYPE from the jnlp file, and the customized splash will be showed with 5.0. closing this as duplicate

EVALUATION problem only exists in tiger now. mustang is fixed already to handle the DOCTYPE properly. it should be fixed in 5u12: 6446676: JWS can't find the cache file for the application when trying to upgrade

EVALUATION yes, if the DOCTYPE is present in the jnlp file, our native launcher (javaws.exe) cannot parse the jnlp file at all. so just pass it on to the java side and let the java side handle it. that's why the custom splash cannot be shown, because the native launcher fail to parse the jnlp file.

EVALUATION The 1.5.0 code (unlike the 6.0 code) translates everyting into a jpeg format (the only splash kind shown by 1.5.0 javaws). Running javaws 1.5.0, I can see the file created in .../cache/javaws/splash , and I can see the the reference to it in .../cache/javaws/splash/splash.xml however, javaws does not show it when starting up, and shows the default instead. This is likely due to problem in native code parsing the DOCTYPE headder in the file. We have an existing bug on that (fixed in mustang) and targeted to a later tiger update release

EVALUATION The given test program works fine (displays the 64x64 icon on second and subsequent launches) using mustang build 100. For now am marking as mustang-na, and will investigate this problem in tiger update release. *** (#1 of 1): [ UNSAVED ] ###@###.###