JDK-6367912 : The description of field "originalType" in MXBean javadoc is inconsistent with Descriptor's spec
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-svc
  • Sub-Component: javax.management
  • Affected Version: 6
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2005-12-30
  • Updated: 2017-05-16
  • Resolved: 2006-04-14
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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6 b81Fixed
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"MBeanInfo contents for an MXBean" section in MXBean specification has the following sentence:
The Descriptor for each of these objects will also have a field originalType that is a
string representing the Java type that appeared in the MXBean interface. *For a generic
Java type, this is the string returned by toString()*. For a class or primitive type, this
is the string returned by Class.getName().
  About "For a generic Java type, this is the string returned by toString()"...
  The javadoc for javax.management.Descriptor says:

For a non-generic type, the string value is the value returned by Class.getName(). For a
parameterized type such as Map<String,Integer> it is *a string representation of the type,
with the raw type followed by the actual type arguments in angle brackets separated by
commas without spaces*, for example "java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>".

  Consider the type: List<String>
  The originalType:  "java.util.List<java.lang.String>"
  - and this won't be returned by var.getClass().toString()

SUGGESTED FIX Proposed spec is the following (in doc comments for javax.management.MXBean): --- Type Names Sometimes the unmapped type T of a method parameter or return value in an MXBean must be represented as a string. If T is a non-generic type, this string is the value returned by Class.getName(). Otherwise it is the value of genericstring(T), defined as follows: * If T is a non-generic non-array type, genericstring(T) is value returned by Class.getName(), for example "int" or "java.lang.String". * If T is an array E[], genericstring(T) is genericstring(E) followed by "[]". For example, genericstring(int[]) is "int[]", and genericstring(List<String>[][]) is "java.util.List<java.lang.String>[][]". * Otherwise, T is a parameterized type such as List<String> and genericstring(T) consists of the following: the fully-qualified name of the parameterized type as returned by Class.getName(); a left angle bracket ("<"); genericstring(A) where A is the first type parameter; if there is a second type parameter B then ", " (a comma and a single space) followed by genericstring(B); a right angle bracket (">"). Note that if a method returns int[], this will be represented by the string "[I" returned by Class.getName(), but if a method returns List<int[]>, this will be represented by the string "java.util.List<int[]>". --- This is simpler than a full specification for all possible java.lang.reflect.Type objects, because not all such objects can arise here. For example, parameterized types can only have one or two parameters.

EVALUATION We need to specify type names for "originalType", and also in the typeName for a TabularType or CompositeType that is mapped from an original type. This should be a new section in the MXBean specification.